


Delhi life

May 30, 2011 | 

Modern cities have lots to offer for the versatile fauna. In my office at the 11th floor I can see an entire ant family moving around in a mysterious way, but all very well considered and as it seems with specific tasks. They are actually people walking at one of the busiest markets of New Delhi, looking for electronic, Nehru Place.

These small "animals" are closely watched by another, the magnificent bird of prey. Although these ones are not his prey, he finds other victims in the food chain.

It’s time for pigeons to start building nests and lay their eggs. The building provides them with many nesting places, but also with the fear for this bird of prey on the look out to kill its appetite. Right now there aren’t eggs or young birds, so the bird of prey has to satisfy himself with extremely good rock climbers, without fear for height. They run around, play and probably never fall, but I have no idea what a squirrel eats at the eleventh floor of an office building.

A daily entertainment show just outside my window.